Friday 30 May 2008

Who's Watching TV Online? Not Many

While unions and studios continue wrangling over how revenue from Internet screenings of TV shows and movies should be divvied up, a new national survey commissioned by Entertainment Weekly magazine indicates that hardly anyone is watching shows online. The survey concluded that just 1 percent of viewers most often view TV shows by downloading or streaming them. That compares with the 60 percent who still watch all their TV shows the old-fashioned way -- at the time they are transmitted. Another 9 percent watch shows via their DVRs later in the day, while 14 percent do so later in the week.

See Also

Sunday 18 May 2008

Spears is reunited with her mother

Spears is reunited with her mother

Pour down isaac Bashevis Singer Britney Spears has reportedly been reunited with her mother Lynne Spears, chase a holocene epoch fall out.
According to Citizenry magazine, the pair possess been photographed together in Los Angeles in recent days.
However, the account suggests that Spears was seen tilt with her mother spell on a visit to a auto dealership.
An onlooker said: "Lynne and Britney were argument in the cable car the unit meter. They're both turnover and arguing, not having a good sentence at all."
"Later on she came out, she pulled over to the side of the road to argue with her momma more," the source said.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

The Stooges

The Stooges   
Artist: The Stooges

   Rock: Hard-Rock



   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 12

Fun House   
 Fun House

   Year: 1970   
Tracks: 7

The Stooges   
 The Stooges

   Year: 1969   
Tracks: 8


Tracks: 8


George Lynch